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Published on 2014-10-26

Talking about Pertouli, which is surrounded by the famous mountains Neraida, Koziakas, Loupata and Avgo, and full of dense forests, lush meadows, wild flowers with colorful spark next to the tall trees and flowing waters of the river filled with aquatic plants, will not be an exaggeration to speak of a mountain paradise.
The Church of Holy Apostles is a white miniature in the green landscape, which becomes more picturesque and beautiful when the snow covers the area and offers a picture that can capture the human mind if you do not live it closely.
Famous are the meadows of Pertouli, which are large green areas where cows graze.
Between Elati and Pertouli is the Pertouli Ski Center, a great ski center that, because of the short distance from the region's villages and the city of Trikala, it brings the sight of ski lovers.
Historically, the first mention for Pertouli is in the Code 221/8a of Barlaam Monastery in the early 10th century, and in 1720, because it fell in a plague epidemic, it was abandoned and reoccupied by Triantafillos Hantzi Berta, from whom is the name of the village (Bertouli, the village of Berta ). Also, the name Pertouli is found in the Great Meteoro, a record, in 1741, as an indication of the residents of Aspropotamos to the pasha of Trikala in 1841.
In June of 1823, Pertouli was burned by Arvanitis Selichtar Boda with Neraidochori and Pyrra, and they were found burnt when Stournaris and Kasomoulis visited them in 1826. Pertouli was rebuilt in 1841 as the tower of Hatzigakis also, grandson of Bertha Hadzi, which is preserved until today. In 1943 history repeated, when Pertouli was destroyed because it was the headquarters of the Joint General Headquarters of the Greek resistance organization against the British.
In Pertouli, someone can find many archaeological sites, churches and monasteries and other historical buildings. Some of these are:
•- The "Kokkinostefano", a byzantine or medieval fortress, next to the mountain "Giona"
•- The church of St. Kyriaki
•- The church of the Assumption
•- The Tower of Hatzigakis (1841), grandson of Bertha Hatzis, who has been restored in the basis of photographs and engravings, which show its first form
•- The stone built "Grias Bridge" (bridge of the old lady), located in the "Manas Canyon" (canyon of the mother) which is run through by a tributary of Acheloos. It is a very important monument of the area mainly due to its artistic engravings.
•- "Bazeikos mill": on its right bank, there is a flat stone with a trout depicted on it.
Some of the cultural - folklore festivals held in Pertouli are:
- July 6-7th, Saint Kyriaki celebration
- August 5-6th, Transfiguration
- August 14-15th, Virgin Mary: The celebration starts with the Mass, where rich local dishes are served (mainly meat, pies, dairy products) and peaks with a jag. Folklore traditional bands and attendants always participate actively.
- On June, beekeepers' celebration, at Agia Kyriaki church.
- At the end of May, a very big, quite new celebration, "the Annual Meeting of Sarakatsanaioi", takes place at Pertouli grasslands: Sarakatsanaioi, all over Greece, gather together and revive the old nomadic way of living by setting up "konakia" (houses), looms and by cooking traditional meals while traditional music is played.
Places of exceptional natural beauty are:
- University Forest of Pertouli (here live rare fauna species and a great variety of flora).
- Pertouli grasslands: They are crossed by "Xerias" or "Pertouliotikos" river which divides them in special meandric shapes (local name is "koulouria").
- Koziakas' lake: Between "Astrapi" and "Arvanites" tops (1,500-1,600m).
- "Mana" canyon: Here flows a tributary of Acheloos and it is a biotope for bears, wolves and deer.